Russia captures only 195 square miles of territory in Ukraine since October

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A court in the Tula region of central Russia has fined a woman 30,000 rubles (£256) for defacing her ballot sheet in this month’s presidential election, the regional court press service reported. In the latest issue of its weekly Al-Nabaa magazine published Friday on Telegram channels, the group said its fighters had been hunted down by ground and air forces. ISIS said four of its members had been arrested after they attacked a concert hall near Moscow killing 143 people, a day after Russia blamed Ukraine. Russia launched two guided missiles at Odesa today, injuring three people, Odesa Governor Oleh Kiper said. A Russian court on Friday ordered another suspect charged with “terrorism” over the deadly attack on a Moscow concert hall to be held in pre-trial detention. The pub is now out of the running for Camra’s national pub of the year award, for which it had qualified by beating the 600 other pubs in Cornwall to the county prize for the third time.

Yet even as the congresswoman says she looks forward to future ribbon-cutting ceremonies, she may be out of office by the time it happens — it takes time for projects to get built, after all. Boebert was among 40 House Republicans who voted on March 6 against the so-called “minibus” — which funds vast swaths of the federal government — despite having secured federal funding for their districts. “Robots can do all the practical things, assembling big structures in space and exploring the surface of Mars and all that. If humans want to fly into space as an adventure, then perhaps they can be supported by sponsorship or the billionaires. Speaking on Lord Speaker’s Corner, the podcast for the House of Lords, Lord Rees said that travelling to other planets should be left to private pioneers and not be a goal for national governments. The last time that Russia had violated Poland’s airspace before that was on December 29, 2023 when it announced an “unidentified airborne object” had flown into its airspace from Ukraine, later adding that all indications suggested it was Russian.

Netherlands to deploy Patriot long-range air defense system in Lithuania

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Government sources insisted that Mr Sunak “loves film” and wanted to “capitalise on a really good” awards season by celebrating British cultural success. It comes at a time when Tory finances are under scrutiny after Frank Hester, its biggest donor, was embroiled in a scandal over “racist” remarks about Diane Abbott. Mr Sunak has faced calls not to accept any new donations from Mr Hester, having refused to return the £10 million he has already given to the Tories.

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On March 22, gunmen opened fire at the Crocus City concert hall near Moscow, setting the venue alight and wounding 80 people. According to the governor, three people, including 15-year-old and 10-year-old children, were injured by the falling fragments. Both missiles were intercepted by Ukrainian air defense systems, but debris fell in some districts. Russia freshbook login has detained 12 people in connection with the massacre, including the four gunmen who shot dozens of concert-goers and then set the Crocus City Hall venue on fire last week in the deadliest attack in Russia for two decades. The pub’s unique decor includes an array of other curios, including a stuffed lion, ancient guns and a picture of Winston Churchill.

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